Monday, August 11, 2008

Twisted Sister

"Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make Your way straight before my face." Psalm 5: 8 NKJV

If you want to deceive your enemy, you don’t openly display your tricks of your deceptive trade. With persuasive actions and crafty speech, your enemy – Satan and his band of wicked angels – lures you and me into a game of "let’s go up the bunny trails." He may deceive you with flattering comments to induce pride or insult your pet belief – causing division. Whatever tactic works Satan tries.

If you want to hinder your enemy from obtaining their goal, you innocently lure your opponent off course. With a straight path ahead, you easily view the obstacles that hinder your progress. On a twisted path, your enemy has an advantage of surprise. Also, have you ever taken a detour through unknown country with winding roads? After several miles and hours later you discover that you are hopelessly lost.

God desires that you and me understand the crafty tactics that snag us without warning. Little by little, the temptation to take one more step off course sends us farther and farther away from God’s goal for you and me. Satan knows that if we look straight ahead at Jesus, Satan loses the deceptive game. Remember deception is as old as the Garden of Eden. Even Satan tempted Jesus with the deceptive game of "let’s go up the bunny trails." I warn you, keep your eyes focused on Jesus, and pray from a straight path this day. Only a straight path defeats your enemy and deceptive tactics. Today, ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment regarding the straight course of action.

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