Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bowful of Pleasure

"Not that I speak in respect of wants: for I have learned, in whatever state I am, therefore to be content." Philipians 4: 11 NKJV

If a picture could write a thousand words, then Tiger wrote a novel. Tiger’s curiosity knew no limits. Often the Lord reminded my frazzled nerves that contentment is more than my circumstances. After many months of running the obstacle course down the hallway for a nocturnal visit to the only functioning bathroom, my secretive complaints took a toll on my spiritual life. Contentment was a fleeting memory. The Lord knew that I needed a visual lesson about contentment. That lesson finally arrived with the installation of my new toilet in the master bathroom.

With my partner in crime, Tiger, we removed the cardboard casing from the white toilet bowl. The puzzled look on Tiger’s face spoke volumes. The opportunity for a new adventure wetted Tiger’s appetite. With a leap he landed on the rim. After tip toeing around the rim, Tiger nestled into the bowl. I grabbed my digital camera for a snap shot that wrote volumes. Tiger’s ear to ear grin stated it all. "In whatever state Tiger found himself, he was content." My new toilet bowl became Tiger’s new bed. Every time I view that photo of contentment it slaps my spiritual face. Tiger understood contentment.

So, are you grumpy these days? Has the inconveniences of life ruined your contentment? May be all you need is a visual lesson that contentment involves trust from a loving master.

Copyright 2008 Patricia Charlton

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