Thursday, October 16, 2008

River of Words

"The heart of the righteous studies how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil." Proverbs 15: 28 NKJV

At one time or another, each of us faces a challenge of words. It could be a member of our unsaved family or a nasty neighbor bend on our demise. It could be a friend’s destructive criticism. Sooner or later, the conflict of words begins. The skin peeling comments pain our sensitive nature. The long-winded conversations about nothing eventual drag us down to a level of nasty words. The urge to retaliate teases our old nature. "Bring it on, baby! Bring it on!" screams into our spiritual ears. I warn you! Don’t go there with your adversary.

Once the river of words begins you breech the dam of common sense. So, how do you and I avoid this collision course with the river of nasty words? Have you studied your Bible this morning? You should! The answer to each and every situation with wickedness rests on the pages of your Bible. In Psalms we learn not to sit with scornful people. We also, learn about a soft answer turns away wrath. Even the encouragement to do good to our enemies should deter us from entering a river of words. If you and I search for Jesus Christ and His wisdom, our answers to nasty words reflects an attitude of grace and wisdom beyond our abilities. So, are you ready to study for your next encounter with your neighbor?

Copyright 2008 Patricia Charlton

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